Author: mike

Single protein, several days

I was swamped with work and my wife had it significantly worse than me.  When I first realized how scarce time would be my thoughts immediately moved to dinner.  Would we order delivery or pick up?  Would we eat out?…

Ceilings and floors

Raising quality is costly.  It’s worth doing only if the benefits exceed the costs.  But it’s impossible to figure these out until after the work’s been put in.  Here are some observations.

Simple chicken adobo

These little experiments really are teaching me about the essential flavors of chicken adobo.  At its heart the sauce is about salt, vinegar, and black pepper. I liked this version.  My wife liked it too.  One issue I have is…

How to choose a set of mixing bowls

Believe it or not, I’ve noticed the difference in my kitchen from choosing the right set.  Things are neater.  I never feel like I’m short on equipment.  I’m more inclined to cook more involved recipes. Material: Two obvious choices are…

Sourdough pancakes

This may be the easiest way to use discards.  This also works out for me because my wife really likes pancakes. As usual, leaven both sours and rises the batter. However, a chemical leavener is necessary to finish the pancake,…

Caring for a sourdough starter

Once you’ve revived or cultivated a starter, the next job is to keep it in good health.  I mean health in the literal sense.  A starter is a collection of organisms.  Maintaining a starter means encouraging the continued growth of…

Chicken adobo with a chicken liver

Instead of only accumulating notes, I’ve decided to post short “reports” on my adobo experiments.  A long post pointing out my favorite versions will follow some time in the future. Chicken adobo with a chicken liver I add coconut milk…